Why Play-Based Learning is Important in Early Childhood

Many parents beam with pride when they hear that their children have high IQs—Intelligence Quotients—a measure of their logical reasoning, problem-solving abilities, and intellectual brilliance. For years, high IQ has been the golden ticket to academic and professional success, a shining emblem of potential. But what if I told you there’s another, equally vital key to a fulfilling and joyful life? While IQ opens doors to knowledge and achievement, it’s not the only key that unlocks the true richness of our lives. There’s another form of intelligence, one that is essential for not just reaching our goals but truly savoring the journey along the way. 

At Kradle2krayons, a Pendle Hill childcare centre understand the importance of the emotional well-being of a child and their


Developing Emotional Intelligence at an early age.


Often, we dismiss certain behaviors in children—like aggression, inappropriate responses, and struggles with making friends or communicating—as simply thinking “kids being kids.” However, if these behaviors are left unaddressed, they can become ingrained patterns that persist into adulthood, leading to a lack of emotional intelligence. It’s far easier to shape a child’s emotional skills from the start than to rework deeply ingrained habits in an adult. Early intervention helps set a positive foundation, making it easier for children to learn and adapt to healthier emotional practices.

Helping develop emotional intelligence at Kradle2krayons early learning centre 

A Pendle Hill childcare centre, Kradle2Krayons acknowledges the need for emotional intelligence (EQ) in a child’s growth as academic learning. We believe emotional intelligence is a crucial part of early childhood education where your little munchkins thrive in a supportive environment to feel safe to express and explore their emotions. We guide them in understanding and positively responding to their feelings and those of others, equipping them to embrace life’s adventures with emotional strength and a heart full of joy.

1. Emotions Nurturing Environment

Nurturing Atmosphere: at our cozy daycare center our children can freely express their feelings without hesitation or fear. Caregivers and educators serve as compassionate guides, offering gentle support and validation as children navigate their feelings.

Consistent Routines: We establish consistent daily routines that help children have clear expectations to give a sense of stability, make them feel secure, and understand the importance of structure, which is essential for emotional regulation.

2. Encouraging Social Interactions

Group Activities: collaborative activities and team-building games help kids learn to share, communicate, and understand each other’s feelings while playing together. Our group activities teach valuable lessons in empathy and teamwork.

Role-Playing Games: In our imaginative playground, kids pretend to be doctors, chefs, or salon customers, practicing empathy by seeing things from different perspectives and responding while building social skills without realizing it.

3. Encouraging Emotional Expression

Emotion-Focused Discussions: Our caregivers engage children in conversations about their feelings, teaching them to identify and articulate their emotions. This practice helps children build a vocabulary for their emotions and fosters emotional self-awareness.

Creative Expression: Through activities like art, music, and storytelling, children are encouraged to express their emotions creatively, providing them with healthy outlets for their feelings.

4. Teaching Emotional Regulation

Mindfulness Activities: We introduce mindfulness practices, such as deep breathing and simple relaxation techniques, to help children manage their emotions and develop self-control.

Problem-Solving Skills: Children are guided through conflicts and challenges, learning how to navigate their emotions and find constructive solutions, which strengthens their emotional resilience.

5. Modeling Positive Behavior

Role of Educators: Our caregivers serve as role models, demonstrating positive emotional behavior, such as calmness in stressful situations and empathy towards others. Children learn by observing and mimicking these behaviors.

Positive Reinforcement: We cheer on good behavior with high-fives and praise. When kids share, show kindness, or manage frustrations, they get positive reinforcement that helps them build emotional intelligence.

6. Building Self-Esteem and Confidence

Individual Recognition: at our early education centre, we celebrate every little victory, from mastering a new skill to showing kindness. Recognizing their unique strengths, we help kids build confidence and a positive self-image.

Encouraging Independence: Picture your child as a young explorer, making choices and solving problems on their own. We encourage them to trust their instincts and develop confidence in their emotional abilities.


How Emotional Intelligence Helps


1. Improved Relationships

Better Communication: EQ helps individuals express their emotions clearly and listen empathetically to others, reducing misunderstandings and fostering stronger connections.

Conflict Resolution: High EQ enables people to handle conflicts calmly and constructively, finding solutions that benefit everyone involved and maintaining harmony in relationships.

2. Effective Emotional Regulation

Stress Management: People with high EQ can manage their stress better by recognizing and addressing their emotions before they escalate, leading to a calmer, more balanced life.

Resilience: EQ provides the tools to bounce back from setbacks, as individuals are better equipped to process their emotions and move forward with a positive mindset.

3. Enhanced Decision-Making

Balanced Choices: Emotional intelligence helps individuals integrate their emotions with logical thinking, leading to well-rounded decisions that consider both rational and emotional factors.

Confidence: Understanding one’s emotions contributes to self-awareness, allowing for more confident and assured decision-making.

4. Career Success

  • Leadership Mastery: In the professional world, emotional intelligence is a key ingredient for successful leadership. Leaders with high EQ inspire confidence, motivate their teams, and navigate workplace dynamics with ease.
  • Team Harmony: EQ creates a collaborative atmosphere where team members communicate effectively, support one another, and work together seamlessly to achieve shared objectives.

6. Social Awareness and Empathy

  • Tuning into Others: With high emotional intelligence, individuals can easily sense and understand the feelings of those around them, building empathy and strengthening relationships with friends, family, and coworkers.
  • Navigating Social Landscapes: EQ enhances social skills, making it effortless to handle a wide range of social interactions, from everyday conversations to intricate negotiations.6. Mental and Emotional Well-being
  • Emotional Balance: High EQ helps individuals manage their emotions, reducing the risk of overwhelming anxiety or depression by allowing them to process feelings in a healthy, constructive manner.
  • Optimistic Perspective: Emotional intelligence fosters a positive outlook on life, enabling individuals to stay in tune with their emotions and maintain a mindset focused on growth and well-being.

7. Self-Awareness and Personal Growth

  • Clear Self-Understanding: Emotional intelligence enhances self-awareness, allowing individuals to recognize both their strengths and areas needing improvement, which fuels ongoing personal development. 
  • Personal Motivation: EQ nurtures an inner drive, encouraging people to pursue goals, explore their passions, and live a life rich with purpose and satisfaction.

The challenges with poor emotional intelligence


When someone lacks emotional intelligence (EQ), it can lead to many challenges in both personal and professional aspects of life. Here are some common issues that may arise:

1. Poor Relationship Management

  • Difficulty in Communication: People with low EQ may struggle to express their emotions clearly or understand the emotions of others, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts.
  • Strained Relationships: They may have trouble building and maintaining healthy relationships because they cannot effectively navigate social dynamics or empathize with others’ feelings.

2. Inability to Manage Emotions

  • Overreaction: Without the ability to manage their emotions, individuals may overreact to situations, leading to anger, frustration, or anxiety that can harm their interactions with others.
  • Emotional Instability: A lack of emotional regulation can result in mood swings, making it difficult to handle stress or adapt to changing situations.

3. Poor Decision-Making

  • Impulsive Decisions: Emotional intelligence helps people weigh their emotions alongside logic when making decisions. Without it, individuals may make impulsive choices based on fleeting emotions rather than thoughtful consideration.
  • Regret and Guilt: Decisions made without emotional insight often lead to regret or guilt, as the individual may not fully understand the consequences of their actions.

4. Workplace Challenges

  • Leadership Struggles: In a professional setting, those lacking EQ may find it difficult to lead or collaborate effectively, as they may not inspire trust or effectively manage team dynamics.
  • Career Stagnation: Emotional intelligence is key to professional growth. Those who lack it may struggle with networking, conflict resolution, and adaptability, hindering their career progression.

5. Low Empathy and Social Isolation

  • Lack of Empathy: A person with low EQ might not be able to understand or relate to others’ feelings, leading to a lack of connection and increased social isolation.
  • Social Isolation: As a result of these difficulties, individuals may find themselves isolated, as others may perceive them as insensitive or difficult to relate to.

6. Increased Mental Health Issues

  • Anxiety and Depression: Difficulty in managing emotions can lead to heightened stress, anxiety, or depression, as the individual may feel overwhelmed by their emotional experiences.
  • Low Self-Esteem: Without the ability to understand and manage emotions, individuals may struggle with self-esteem, leading to feelings of inadequacy or worthlessness.

Overall, a lack of emotional intelligence can significantly impact a person’s ability to navigate the complexities of life, making it harder to build meaningful relationships, succeed in their career, and maintain mental and emotional well-being.

At Kradle2Krayons, our holistic approach to early childhood education ensures that children not only develop academically but also grow emotionally. By equipping them with the tools to understand and manage their emotions, we set the foundation for their lifelong success and well-being.